Alternative Dispute Resolution
Alternative Dispute Resolution is the possibility for Portuguese and European consumers to turn to impartial entities that help them resolve a consumer dispute in a way that is easier, quicker and less costly than using a regular court of law.
Without prejudice to the right to submit the dispute to a court of law, in the event of a consumer dispute, the Consumer Customer who is a citizen of one of the countries of the European Union may resort to the European Online Dispute Resolution Platform, available at: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr.
In Portugal, the Consumer Customer may also resort to the following entities for alternative resolution of consumer disputes:
- CNIACC - National Centre for Information and Arbitration of Consumer Conflicts (www.cniacc.pt/)
- CIMAAL - Algarve Consumer Conflict Information, Mediation and Arbitration Centre (www.consumidoronline.pt/)
- Coimbra District Consumer Conflict Arbitration Centre (www.centrodearbitragemdecoimbra.com)
- Lisbon Consumer Conflict Arbitration Centre (www.centroarbitragemlisboa.pt/)
- Consumer Information and Arbitration Centre of Porto (www.cicap.pt/)
- Vale do Ave Consumer Dispute Arbitration Centre/Arbitration Court (www.triave.pt/)
- Consumer Information, Mediation and Arbitration Centre (Consumer Arbitration Court) (www.ciab.pt/)
- Madeira Consumer Conflict Arbitration Centre (www.madeira.gov.pt/cacc/)
- Arbitration Centre of the Autonomous University of Lisbon (https://arbitragem.autonoma.pt/)